technology is a drug

August 12, 2002

We can’t get enough of it.

We feed it to our kids and watch them grow on a forced diet of desensitization.
Switch on the T.V. and someone will tell you 50 000 died in India.
Two seconds later you’re watching a comedy. Technology can do that. It gives us
simulated realities that make us oblivious to the real world. Heroin does the same
thing. So do most class A drugs. Basically, we are all addicts - addicted to the
comfort and convenience that technology provides - addicted to the notion that
progress is directly related to the size of your computer screen. Of course it is.
We must be right. We come from the developed world. We’re already developed.
Sure. Then again, wealthy kids in America shoot each other. Poor kids in Soweto
can’t stop smiling.

So who’s developed ?

I met an Aborigine in Arnhemland, Australia - his nephews showed me symbols
where I saw trees and rainbows through smoked glass. They could see fish through
clouded water. I couldn’t even see my own reflection. I must have forgotten now.

When I look in front of me, I see two paths - spiritual or material. Two worlds -
developed and developing. You decide which is which. We’re still in the wake of
millennium paranoia - earthquakes, floods, end of world scenarios, cult suicides, viral
diseases that eat into our computer realities. This is our developed world.

Then, as Nelson Mandela says ‘We are free to be free’.

I guess we make our own prophecies.

Nitin Sawhney - March 2001

Y’a pas à chier, des fois j’aime bien ce qu’il raconte. Sans parler de sa musique :)
Par contre, je garde mon 19”